Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Help is needed from the local business community

No beating around the bush, Ben Coates needs the business community help, in bringing Ruth Badger to Shropshire, he has taken on a massive financial commitment, and to help the local economy, but it must have input and sponsorship from Shropshire’s businesses.

In hearing people moan that not a lot goes on in Shropshire, Ben decided to do something about it, now he needs help from those who were begging for events to kick start local business, he has not got anybody on the cheap to come and talk, and neither has he skimped and saved on the venue.

Sponsorship and assistance has so far very generously come in from Lanyon Bowdler solicitors, WN Security Shredding and Fasc Ltd t/as I Think IT, but it needs more, businesses also can help keep ticket prices low.

Ben Coates said “When you talk to people they seem unsure how to bring the business spotlight onto Shropshire, however I am determined to get the economy moving, in my courier firm, 80% of the business comes from outside the county, yet many people promote that local business is best, what I am trying to achieve is getting 200 – 300 people in the same room and to listen to somebody with Ruth’s experience, this lady has worked with the great Lord Sugar, we can all be arrogant and think we know it all but we all can learn something new every day.

Also the fact that many other businesses will be socialising, surely means that being there is a must, I am laying on a buffet and also refreshments will be available, but sponsorship is a must for this evening of entertainment. It is not time for businesses to put their money in to bring out valuable sales and new customers. This is not something that will benefit Ben Coates or BK Business, but will benefit Shropshire and its business community; also people will be able to make new contacts away from their cocoon they seem to trade in.”

To add your support please contact Ben on ben@bkbusinesssolutions.co.uk, visit www.bkbusinesssolutions.co.uk, or for tickets only please order them at the special early bird half price offer at http://ruthbadger.eventbrite.com/

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