Wednesday, 28 September 2011

UK Road problems

As a Sameday courier driver at, I get sick of jams and problems on the roads, the reason I get frustrated is not because of the road works, but because of us the public and the kids who operate the overhead signs like they are on a PlayStation.

Firstly onto us, the public, we are thick, we drive at such speeds and so close to each other, that instead of keeping a flow through of traffic, we drive so close that we continuously slap the anchors on, have you also noticed how the fast lane is always the busiest lane, always the first to stop, I tend to drive across all three lanes, when I would suggest 80% of the time, I could simply use two, but you get the middle lane hoggers, those who look at you strangely when you bip at them and ask them to move across, our motorways are three lanes for a reason you plonker!

Also when the signs say stay in lane, why do you always see in front people who believe this means change lanes because one may be quicker, the quickest thing to do is stay in lane so the flow in constant, for god sake you thick drivers!

Then there are the overhead signs, this must be the easiest job in the world, programme them once a week to read things at certain times, no matter about road conditions, I travel up and down motorways a lot of the time, and sometimes it takes me longer because I am looking for the congestion that is highlighted, or the reason why on a 70MPH zone, I am doing 40, or why when in a congestion, they tell me there is a queue ahead, guess what, I am in the queue that you profess to be ahead.

Do you really pay people to run these signs? Are you really wasting my tax money on monkeys switching these signs off and on? I know as a driver, we are the pits of the country, but without us paying so much tax that the rip off government take from us, the country would be bust, oh no, hold on, it almost is!

I have a suggestion to the stubborn transport department and the industry who run the motorways, GO ABROAD AND LEARN HOW TO RUN THE ROADS PROPERLY, also when you do road repairs try doing the repairs properly, rather than the poor standards you do now and then have to go back a while later.

Our roads are a disgrace, but who is regulating these Muppets, nobody that is why they get away with making us drivers the laughing stock of Britain.

Carlos Tevez Affair, the part of Gordon Taylor

There is no doubt that Carlos Tevez has disrespected English football as a whole, even as a Manchester United fan, I am pleased at City’s stance of suspended the spoilt brat, I just hope that he picked his dummy up in Munich, especially with today’s health and safety standards, although whilst he is acting like he is, I wouldn’t have blamed City for taking his airline ticket off him and telling him to find is own way home.

However the person that has taken the mick out of the public more than Tevez is Gordon Taylor, he clearly has a lack of understanding of us fans who pay for the game, and he seems to think the people in his union are something special, how dare he already be discussing compensation for Tevez, the little Argentinean brat deserves not one penny.

Does Gordon Taylor really think Tevez has a case, let’s put it like this, if I had told my boss I wanted to go elsewhere because of my family, and I had failed to get that move, but my boss welcomed me back, I would bend over backwards to earn my wages, I mean what more can they have done to help my life.

So for Greedy Tevez to then tell that boss that he doesn’t want to work for his money, is disgusting, and in employment law, amounts to gross misconduct and whatever court Gordon “Out of Touch with the public” Taylor wants to take the case, there is no defence, Tevez should be sacked, I would be.

Surely Gordon Taylor has bought the game into disrepute, isn’t it strange how the prat always comes out when there is problems with big stars or big clubs, yet at Plymouth, where I feel for every member of staff, he has been very quiet, as a courier driver, I spend a lot of time listening to talk sport, and the campaign they have had for Plymouth has been terrific, because they understand who pays their costs.

So Gordon Taylor, do not treat me, or any other football fan, as a mug, your involvement in our game is nothing short of lining your own pocket, you are a disgrace to your profession, and I hope that you get a FA charge, because believe it or not, you or Tevez are not above the law, as for the idiot from Buenos Aires, I hope City send you down the dole queue, or make you rot in the reserves, you dirty rat.

And as for Fergie, never doubt him, he knew Tevez was a “Bad Apple”

Monday, 5 September 2011

Help put Shropshire on the Map

Ruth Badger Event Sponsorship packages

Event: An Evening with Ruth Badger, ex Apprentice, Badger or Bust and the Big Idea from Sky One talks to the local Shropshire business community, compared by BBC Radio DJ Paul Shuttleworth.

When: October 13th 2011, 7pm – 10pm

Where: Lecture Theatre, University of Wolverhampton, Telford, TF2 9FT

Take advantage of our early bird half price offer now. 

Sponsorship Packages available:

Whole event  - Open to offers

Packages include:

Advertisement in Theatre, Dining hall and reception
Display of products in Greet area on a stand
Mentions in all Press Releases
PR Work with Ruth Badger
Front page logo in event programme
Back page advert in event programme
Mentions by Paul Shuttleworth prior to show
Logo on crew team clothing for evening
Re-Brand of evening to the …….. Evening with Ruth Badger
Up to 25 Tickets for event

Sponsorship of Ruth Badger: £2000

Advertisement in Theatre, Dining hall and reception
Display of products in Greet area on a stand
Mentions in Press Releases
PR Work with Ruth Badger
Front page logo in event programme
Full Page advert in event programme
Mentions by Paul Shuttleworth prior to show
Logo on crew team clothing for evening
Up to 10 Tickets for event

Sponsorship of Paul Shuttleworth: £250

Mentions in Press Releases
PR Work with Paul Shuttleworth
Front page logo in event programme
Full Page advert in event programme
Up to 2 Tickets for event

Programme advert: £150 – Only 12 left

Full page advert in the evening’s souvenir programme, 250 to be printed

Screen advertising: £75

Advert on the main theatre screen as people file in on the massive screen

Exhibition Stand: £100

We have minimum space for exhibition stands, 1st come 1st served; size is 2m x 2m

Bar: £100

Why not have your logo above where the majority of people will no doubt be before and after the event

Marketing: Supply of Marketing as per below

2000 flyers, can be paper, card, post card etc
300 tickets
In return you will have your logo on all marketing
Mentions in press releases
Full page advert in event programme
4 Event tickets

Drinks and Drinks area: £200

As people enter the dining area they will receive a free drink, why not let people know this was from you; you can display your banner above the relaxation area and in the dining hall

Theatre advertising: £250

You can supply a pop up banner to go in the theatre where the entertainment will be or a wall banner, to go alongside the main huge screen.

Dining Room advertising: £200

You can supply a pop up banner to go in the dining room area where people will be enjoying their pre entertainment buffet, or a wall banner.

Reception Advertising: £100

Why not supply a pop up banner for display in the reception area where all guests will filter through to go into the dining room and also from dining room to Theatre, and out at the end.

Please note all pricing is subject to VAT, all banners and adverts are to be supplied by yourself, pre booking of space for banners is essential due to limited areas and interest in the event.

Sponsors are able to buy tickets at £20 per ticket in addition to what is offered in packages, normal ticket price is £50

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Sshh I was meant to be on the BBC

Well it seems like a radio interview with the BBC was a big secret, yes the fact that author, Brian Rowlands, advertised the fact that he was being interviewed on BBC Radio Cornwall to promote his book, the Life of a Single Parent, Brian, meant that Auntie Beeb cut the proposed interview.

In what is a shocking turn of events, the day before the interview, Brian sent out a message stating that he would be on radio the following day promoting his book, a book that is an honest piece of writing about a single parent who raised his kids single handily, a book that is from the heart and to promote the fact that there are many great single fathers out there.

Brian said “I was so proud of the fact the my local radio station had chosen me to be interviewed on BBC Radio Cornwall, that I felt I had to tell people, if you read the book you can tell that everything in life has been a struggle, and to gain this little bit of success was a huge honour for me, I felt that telling people would help station figures too, but then bang, the BBC shot me from the schedule, why? What had I done that had been so wrong?”

“I am an author that only has had very limited success, my book is more about people learning from my experience, enjoying the fact that I bought up kids on my own, the fact that I had been to the bottom and came back, this is a natural story of a parents ability, I pay my licence fee, as does everybody, so why do they feel the need to be like this, I am disgusted at the attitude of them”

“What grinds at me is the hypocrisy of the corporation that is the BBC, the fact that they advertise their schedules and who is on it well before shows are on, yet some small time author in Cornwall tells a few people that he is being interviewed on his local radio station and they axe me as if I didn’t exist”

The irony is that Brian cut short a family holiday to return to Cornwall a couple of days early so he could be interviewed, I am sure that this type of treatment by the BBC will reflect well to his children, the future licence payers of this country, the licence payers who pay the wages at the Corporation, yet are treated with contempt.

Brian was aiming to promote his book,, Brian is available for further comments through his PR company, BK Business Solutions Ltd, Ben Coates, 07738 715038,

Please note this is a press release that was approved by Brian Rowlands and is not the views of Ben Coates or of BK Business Solutions Ltd.