Wednesday, 28 September 2011

UK Road problems

As a Sameday courier driver at, I get sick of jams and problems on the roads, the reason I get frustrated is not because of the road works, but because of us the public and the kids who operate the overhead signs like they are on a PlayStation.

Firstly onto us, the public, we are thick, we drive at such speeds and so close to each other, that instead of keeping a flow through of traffic, we drive so close that we continuously slap the anchors on, have you also noticed how the fast lane is always the busiest lane, always the first to stop, I tend to drive across all three lanes, when I would suggest 80% of the time, I could simply use two, but you get the middle lane hoggers, those who look at you strangely when you bip at them and ask them to move across, our motorways are three lanes for a reason you plonker!

Also when the signs say stay in lane, why do you always see in front people who believe this means change lanes because one may be quicker, the quickest thing to do is stay in lane so the flow in constant, for god sake you thick drivers!

Then there are the overhead signs, this must be the easiest job in the world, programme them once a week to read things at certain times, no matter about road conditions, I travel up and down motorways a lot of the time, and sometimes it takes me longer because I am looking for the congestion that is highlighted, or the reason why on a 70MPH zone, I am doing 40, or why when in a congestion, they tell me there is a queue ahead, guess what, I am in the queue that you profess to be ahead.

Do you really pay people to run these signs? Are you really wasting my tax money on monkeys switching these signs off and on? I know as a driver, we are the pits of the country, but without us paying so much tax that the rip off government take from us, the country would be bust, oh no, hold on, it almost is!

I have a suggestion to the stubborn transport department and the industry who run the motorways, GO ABROAD AND LEARN HOW TO RUN THE ROADS PROPERLY, also when you do road repairs try doing the repairs properly, rather than the poor standards you do now and then have to go back a while later.

Our roads are a disgrace, but who is regulating these Muppets, nobody that is why they get away with making us drivers the laughing stock of Britain.

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