Thursday, 19 May 2011

Super Injunctions

So Fred Goodwin, you have been exposed, I am sure most of us know who the other people are who are covered by these, SUPER INJUNCTIONS, but what is the morals of these, well let's be honest, they are to cover the rich, the people who do court the press for there own cause then when they make mistakes they gag our media.

The simple thought is, if you are portrayed as a role model, then act like one, do not hide behind injunctions, do not gag the press that 90% of the time assist you with your income, do not act like idiots and take the piss out of the public who pay your money.

I really wish I could name them, one of the persons is somebody who I have admired on the sports field for 20 years, someone who's name I have chanted, someone who I don't want to see in the headlines for the wrong reasons, but someone who has to pay the penalty for his miss doing. I have paid part of his wages by buying season tickets etc, and yes I do feel cheated, I do feel that I have paid for an injunction.

I still admire him for his skills, but not for the way he is treating us, he is not the only one, some of the others are people I like from TV etc, in a way Fred Goodwin  has been exposed because of his record at RBS, the person that exposed him did it for his own gain, but he should be applauded for telling us what we have a right to know.

The other side of the coin is from the media, they need to be sure the story is correct, they need to ensure they are reporting the facts and not pure speculation, otherwise we will see those famous words, "see you in court".

I like many beg the judges, keep freedom of speech, if it is wrong then the rich person will take action for compensation and a apology, if it is correct they will try to stop the story.

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